provides maximum exposure for your manufactured homes and manufactured housing business. Questions? Contact us.

Mobile Homes and Lots for Sale or Rent

Sell or rent out your manufactured homes and lots fast!

Over 500,000 users visit and MHBay each month looking to buy or rent mobile homes and lots. List your homes and lots to find your next buyer or renter.

Single Mobile Home or Lot Listing

List your mobile home or lot for sale or rent.

Dealer/Park Manager Account

Post your entire inventory of new or used mobile homes for sale or rent.

Sign up for Dealer Account

Listing Data Feed

List a large number of properties with a data feed.

Have too many properties for manual updates? Submit a data feed and we will update your inventory daily on our sites.

Submit a Listing Feed

Advertise directly to manufactured housing customers. and MHBay receive over 500,000 visits per month from people looking specifically for manufactured homes and lots. Focus your advertising on manufactured housing customers at a very competitive rate.

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Lead Generation Program

Get leads for manufactured housing related services.

Our users regularly submit inquiries for a variety of mobile home related services, including home sale, financing, insurance, and more. Contact us to see how you can use our leads to generate more business.

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